Blocknet Update: 3.14.0 Wallet and 1.4.0 Block DX Launched

Blocknet wallet version 3.14.0 and the new 1.4.0 version of Block DX are now launched. They bring many improvements and new features. Continue reading for more details on the changes.


Core Wallet 3.14.0 Update

One of the main updates is the changes that will be coming to the Blocknet wallet with its new version. As we have covered the initial patch notes before, we will just give a rough overview of what to expect. The most notable improvement coming with the wallet is the change of the staking protocol. The new Proof of Stake protocol will be added to the 3.14.0 patch and it will require for the network to go through a hard fork. This makes the update mandatory for all node operators. The other major change will be the improvement of the XBridge protocol increasing reliability of the order system, fixing past issues with “stuck” orders etc. The new staking pool upgrade will be taking effect on 23rd September 2019 at 18:00 UTC+0. Make sure to update your core wallets.

Block DX 1.4.0 Changes

A big portion of the updates that come for Block DX are quality of life changes that the community have been wanting for a while. The user interface has been changed in order to facilitate new functions and windows such as the new order book window. You can now set a filter to see only the buy or only the sell orders making it easier for users with smaller screens.

The “Wallet” section is being removed from the Balances panel as the community advised that it is very confusing. What the “Wallet” balance is showing is the total balance of your Blocknet wallet. Its usefulness is limited to using a separate wallet for trading and checking the balance in your main one. If you are using just one wallet, then this information is less relevant since your balance is already shown in the “BLOCK” entry.

There is also a list of bug fixes that we would like to go through. The first important fix to the Block DX is an error message stating “TypeError: Cannot read property ‘0’ of undefined”, which is now resolved. Also, the Price Chart has also been updated so that if you are not zoomed in, the data will update with new intervals with time. Now, if BTC market pricing is enabled, the additional data column will be hidden in the case of viewing a BTC market pair. Bear in mind that the scientific notation will no longer be shown when order book or spread values are small.

Final Thoughts

Blocknet are planning to continue their innovative nature of updates as they are moving through 2019. They are planning for their base chain to utilize Bitcoin’s v18 codebase, XRouter libraries etc. The future for Blocknet seems bright if they continue with the same enthusiasm.