Indmon- New Lightning Node Monitoring Tool Alpha Announced

A new node monitoring tool for the Lightning Network that provides fast transactions to Bitcoin and other networks was announced. According to the software dev working at Lightning Labs, Valentine Wallace, an open source “drop-in, dockerized monitoring solution” was released for alpha testing. This solution is called Indmon.

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What Will Indmon Bring?

The main goal of this lightning node monitoring tool is to provide a way to manage the nodes and prevent network issues before they arise. According to the developers, there were issues with the peer-to-peer network that could’ve been prevented with a tool like this.

Another use for this monitoring tool is for users to keep track of multiple channels if they get closed in rapid succession or if there are signs of instability in their connections. This way a node operator can react preventively before anything else develops. This will ideally allow Lighting Developers to monitor everything real-time after changes and updates, ultimately make the network more stable.

Beyond the possibilities that this monitoring tool can bring for the node holders there are other potential uses that it may serve. It can also allow users to monitor their nodes for financial reasons or monitor how the trends move. This tool along with the technology that Raspberry Pi offers makes running lightning nodes as easy and low entry as possible.

Lightning Labs are already making plans for future updates of this tool by extending its access to lightning network data as well as allowing users to set up notifications based on pre-set by them events or changes.


As our final words on the matter, we would like to highlight the fact that a tool like this was of great necessity for the whole Lightning Network community. It will not only assist the users in managing and monitoring their nodes, but it will also bring further stability as future issues can be analyzed and prevented before they are already a fact.